What is RAM, It’s Types and Uses?

The full form of RAM is Random Access Memory. RAM is a memory of the computer. This is a temporary storage, that is, the data stored in it is automatically removed as soon as the device is turned off. After this that data cannot be brought back. That is why RAM is also called volatile memory. This is a memory made up of a semiconductor and a flip-flop.

Do you know what is RAM , then you must have heard these words many times. Whenever you go to buy a mobile or computer, you definitely ask how much RAM is there. Some people also think that if there is more RAM then the mobile will not hang or become slow. Is this true about this? You will also know today in this article.

Some people also believe that if RAM is always empty then mobile speed will run and a question comes that what is the function of RAM, you will get the answer to this, along with this we will also talk about some other things about primary memory, so let’s know about RAM. What is that called.

Table of Contents

What is memory and how many types are there?

Computer’s memory is a place where we store data and instructions which we can remove from that memory whenever we want. So how does the computer know where which data and instructions are kept? For this, the computer memory is divided into small parts and the size of these parts is equal. These parts are called cells.

Every cell has an address which is called memory address. And memory address means the address of the cell, through this address the computer finds where the data is hidden (Data like your Mobile Number, Mp3, Video, File). All these live in a cell, the cell address starts from 0. Its final address is one less than the number of parts into which the cell has been divided. For example, if the memory is of 5KB and its cell size is 1 byte, then the memory has 5×1024=5120 cells, which means that there will be 5120 cells in the cell. There will be addresses.

Although there are mainly 3 types of memory in computers, they all have different functions and specialties.

  • Primary Memory
  • Secondary Memory
  • Cache Memory

But in this article I will explain about Primary Memory.

What is Primary Memory

This memory is also called Main Memory, this memory holds the same data and instructions which the computer currently uses. The space of this memory is limited, data remains in it as long as there is power, which means electricity remains, when the power is off, the data disappears.

It is made of semiconductor. Their speed is less as compared to registers.  Whatever data and instructions remain inside the computer is processed in this main memory. It has two categories, first

1. RAM
2. ROM

What is RAM

RAM is a type of memory, which temporarily stores the programs or software running in the computer. As long as the computer is running, or as long as the software is open, RAM stores it. And once the computer is turned off, all the data stored in it gets deleted.

The full form of RAM is Random Access Memory, it is also called Direct Access Memory. This memory remains in less size in the computer during long hours. It is less in comparison to Secondary Memory like in mobile it is 1GB, 2GB, 3GB, 4GB, 6GB,8GB.

So the next question comes, what is the function of RAM? Whenever you use your mobile, you play games, run many applications, edit etc. For all this the mobile needs space and this space comes from RAM only.

And let me take a simple example, when you play cricket, you do not go to the bathroom to play it, for that you need more space like in the playground or in the street, similarly whenever you work on mobile throughout the day, Yes, the memory in which all the work is done is RAM, that is why it is said that more RAM is there, more applications can be run simultaneously in your mobile.

And the mobile will be slow or hang, so keep RAM free as much as possible. It becomes empty when the electricity stops flowing inside the mobile.

Why is it called Random Access Memory ?

In RAM, data and instructions are stored in cells. Each cell is made up of some rows and columns, which have their own unique address. It is also called Cell Path. CPU can receive different data from these cells.

And that too without any sequence, meaning the data available in RAM can be accessed randomly. Due to this characteristic, this memory has been named Random Access Memory.

What are the characteristics of RAM

  • This is also called the working memory of the computer.
  • This memory is used by the CPU.
  • All programs, applications, instructions run in this memory only.
  • When the power is turned off this memory becomes empty.
  • it is much faster than Secondary Memory.
  • Its capacity is less than secondary memory.
  • RAM is Volatile Memory.

Types of RAM

  • Static  RAM
  • Dynamic RAM

What is Static RAM ?

It is clear from the word Static itself that it is stable, meaning the data will remain in it as long as there is electricity in it. It is also called SRAM. This chip uses 6 transistors and no capacitors, transistors do not require power to prevent leakage, this power means electricity.

There is no need to refer to it again and again, the data remains stable. SRAM requires more chips than DRAM. To store data of the same size. Therefore, it takes more money to make SRAM as compared to DRAM, hence SRAM is used according to Cache Memory, Cache Memory is the fastest among all the others.

Characteristic Of Static RAM
  • This needs more power.
  • Its size is more.
  • It is mostly used for cache memory.
  • There is no need to refresh it again and again.
  • This continues for many days.

What is Dynamic RAM?

Also called DRAM, it is the complete opposite of SRAM. It needs to be refreshed frequently if the data is to be maintained. This can be possible only when this memory is connected with a refresh circuit.

Most of the time this DRAM is used to make system memory. This DRAM is made of a capacitor and a transistor.

Characteristics Of Dynamic RAM
  • This requires less power.
  • Its size is less.
  • It is mostly used for cache memory.
  • It is quite slow.
  • It needs to be refreshed frequently.

What are the differences between RAM and ROM ?

RAM is volatile memory.ROM is non-volatile memory.
The full form of RAM is Random Access Memory.The full form of ROM is Read Only Memory.
The storage capacity of RAM is in GB (Gigabytes).
The storage capacity of ROM is in MB (Megabytes).
The work of RAM is to run the programs present in the computer .The job of ROM is to permanently store the data present in the device.

I hope you learned something new from today’s blog. Don’t forget to like and share it.

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